

Listed below are all Mike Haggith albums available for purchase, with links to each format. Please note that availability can occasionally change. While some albums are only available for digital download, requests for CD and/or LP copies may be directed to for future or special consideration.


Visit the MorningStar Records Webstore for available CDs and LPs, or visit Mike Haggith on Bandcamp for Digital Downloads.

Catalog: MH-52

Release Date: 13 July 2023


Catalog: MH-51

Release Date: 06 November 2021


Catalog: MH-50

Release Date: 15 May 2020


looking for something else?


Looking for something not listed above? You'll likely find it at one of the links down below! If not, please email with your inquiry.


Visit the MorningStar Records Webstore for available CDs and LPs.