mike haggith - the present din
14 MAY 2013 - CD / DOWNLOAD

[01] Her Song [05:30]
[02] Lost Time [06:45]
[03] The Issue [06:24]
[04] Drown [03:39]
[05] November Love Song [03:56]
[06] Door To My Mind [02:54]
[07] The Issue (Resurfaced) [02:12]
[08] It Takes Time [04:06]
[09] Careless Space (Dear Logan) [05:02]
Haggith's 46th official solo release, The Present Din deviated heavily from the sound and direction of its predecessors. Rather than including grand and aggressive alternative rock tracks, this record instead opted for far softer, slower piano-driven cuts. While still including traditional rock instrumentation, the focus of this record was far more centered around delicate piano melodies than the albums which were released before it. This was also the first of four Mike Haggith albums to feature vocal work which was tracked at PaperClip Productions in Sault Ste Marie, ON, and the only Haggith solo record of the modern era to feature a cover song, namely It Takes Time, originally written by The Black Hole Suns of Kincheloe, MI.
While the initial album plan seemed favorable, this is often referred to as Haggith's least-favorite solo effort of the decade, due in large part to the remarkably flat vocal work throughout the entire album. An error which went unnoticed by all in attendance for the vocal tracking sessions, the reason for the incorrect pitch marring the record with impressive consistency has never been determined. While it is relatively minor, many have deemed the record borderline unlistenable due to the error, and it has resultantly become Haggith's worst-selling effort of the Modern Era. Its lack of commercial success became the prime motivator for Haggith to return quickly to the studio, releasing his next effort, Neighborhood Watch II, a mere four months later.
Despite its shortcomings, the record does feature some well-written and intensely personal material. This claim is well-exemplified by Lost Time, which deals with the theme of unrequited love, and Careless Space (Dear Logan), which is dedicated to the life and memory of a friend who lived with Down Syndrome and eventually passed away from its complications.
In terms of recognition, a handful of tracks from The Present Din have found praise for their arrangements and lyrical content. However, there is no denying that this was the decade's least impactful addition to the Haggith solo discography. While CD pressings were manufactured and sold, they have since sold out, and this record is currently not available in physical print. It continues to be available for digital download.
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